I wonder about...

Monday, September 19, 2005

God's Timing

Do you ever wonder about God's timing? I mean in regards to the little things and the big things. One day things are "on" and the next, everything seems to be a total flop. Someone that is so excited to have a child, has a miscarriage. Someone that is getting married soon, dies. Someone gets a bonus at work right before a huge bill comes in. A tense situation eases when it seemed as thought it was about to explode. A butterfly flies by when you're having a bad day. You realize you set your alarm clock too early and get to sleep for a whole other hour! Some of these things are little and others are large. I know we're not to understand God's mind. It does cause me to wonder...


  • At 2:23 PM, Blogger Erin said…

    All I could think while reading this post was "It's like raa-a-ain, on your wedding day... It's a free rii-ide, when you've already paid... It's the good advii-ice, that you just didn't take... who woulda thought, it figgers" Gotta love Alanis.


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