I wonder about...

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Why do we watch it really? To deaden our brain? To entertain (really?) to kill time? To learn something? What's the point in watching someone else live life when we could turn off the television and go live it ourselves? I'm getting that way with books. I read a book and get frustrated when nothing in my life is like that....(I know, I know! its fiction) =) however, it has challenged me to close the book and go live life the way I want to instead of reading how someone else does it....Thoughts?


  • At 11:05 PM, Blogger AyDubb said…

    I watch some televsion shows because they are simply entertaining. Like the CSI series of shows. I like watching and sometimes being able to pick apart something that are is so totally wrong that it's humorous.

    Other shows I watch because it's like a train wreck. You know the ones, where you know you shouldn't watch, but simply can't help it. The train has left the station and is on a collision course with another train. Take for instance, "Wife Swap." That show is so funny the way they switch people around who are so totally opposite each other. And let's not forget "Super Nanny". I chuckle every time I hear her send someone to the "Naughty Corner" or the "Naughty Chair." I wish my mom had thought of naughty chairs and stools and the like. Maybe there wouldn't have been so many "Naughty Switches" or "Naughty Belts" in my world.

  • At 4:37 PM, Blogger Jason said…

    Sometimes I absolutely have nothing better to do and my books don't appeal to me so I just lay on the couch with my animals and turn on the tv. Though I'm picky about what I watch. I watch programs with some meaning (to me). I ignore the celebrity, reality tv crap. Unfortunately my wife digs that so I have to tolerate it sometimes.

  • At 6:14 AM, Blogger Marc said…

    I has been scientifically proven that your brain activity when watching television is identical to when you're asleep. Which explains why we enjoy vegging in front of the TV so much. And don't lose faith in books!!!

  • At 7:02 PM, Blogger Karla said…

    I guess books and tv are some people's way of sharing their talents and gifts with the world. Some people are gifted to act and others to write. Do we have to watch or read? Of course not, but if their talent inspires us or gives us an appreciation for the art of acting or the written word, it can bring glory to God who gives all gifts. Of course, if people are defaming or blashpemeing(sp?) God through their talent, then we shouldn't give them our support.


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