I wonder about...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Oops, sorry!

Okay, so its been awhile since I've posted. Lately, I've been contemplating the busyness of life. Why do we fill things up in our life? I've heard stories about what "life used to be like" or maybe even "what America used to be like". (Yes, yes, I know that means no electricity or girls only wearing skirts or riding a horse to school or segregation. I appreciate the differences in growth, but I am simply acknowledging the fact that I would like life to slow down.) I love life and thoroughly enjoy it, yet its sooo busy. I'm challenging myself to take time for conscientious thought before saying "yes" to the next person that asks me to add something else to my plate!

Monday, September 19, 2005

God's Timing

Do you ever wonder about God's timing? I mean in regards to the little things and the big things. One day things are "on" and the next, everything seems to be a total flop. Someone that is so excited to have a child, has a miscarriage. Someone that is getting married soon, dies. Someone gets a bonus at work right before a huge bill comes in. A tense situation eases when it seemed as thought it was about to explode. A butterfly flies by when you're having a bad day. You realize you set your alarm clock too early and get to sleep for a whole other hour! Some of these things are little and others are large. I know we're not to understand God's mind. It does cause me to wonder...

Monday, August 29, 2005

sin...good or bad?

Hmmm, interesting question. I was thinking recently and realized there are two (at least right now) perspectives of this question. The obvious reasons for sin being a negative...we're separate from God, we disobeyed one of His commands, we're not dwelling in His perfect love. Sin has a positive, b/c it can be cured. God forgives us and we are white as snow. Cancer cannot be cured and oftentimes there is not hope; however with sin there is HOPE!

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Why do we watch it really? To deaden our brain? To entertain (really?) to kill time? To learn something? What's the point in watching someone else live life when we could turn off the television and go live it ourselves? I'm getting that way with books. I read a book and get frustrated when nothing in my life is like that....(I know, I know! its fiction) =) however, it has challenged me to close the book and go live life the way I want to instead of reading how someone else does it....Thoughts?